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Vision Team Leaders

The ICF Vision Team consists of a team of HKU students who are student leaders of ICF. Throughout the semester you will be able to find them in our regular Wednesday meetings, and feel free to message/talk to any of them! 

Ethan Leung

Jasmine Hadiwibawa

MBBS, Year 4

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Solace Grandfel

Event Coordinator

I joined ICF because I want to answer a calling in my heart ever since growing up in Hong Kong - to provide a community and friends to those who are lonely, unable to voice their depression, sadness and past hurt.

I believe ICF will provide the best community for healing, mutual encouragement and true inner peace by things we learn in study, hanging out , playing sports like volleyball and basketball or even just food gatherings...

If there is a famous historic figure , who modeled selfless care even as washing betrayer's dirty feet... Shouldn't we all follow that figure ?  If that figure sets a list of rules for people to not trepass boundary, stay pure and must be gracious and encouraging, how much purer, better would this corrupted world be?

We all came from various backgrounds in ICF, but one thing in common is that God changed our lives. If you are reading this paragraph and wondering what joining this community will be like? Simply come and find out!

"Abide in Christ, and you will not sin" John 15


“If you believe that Christ Jesus is God in your heart and confess He is King, you will be saved”

Romans 10:9

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Ethan Leung

BEcon&Fin, Year 4

Entering university last year, unfolding a new page in life, was enjoyable yet challenging at the same time. Part of me looked forward to this refreshing experience. The other part of me worried how this change was going to challenge my faith.

Well, God works in mysterious ways! I’m so grateful that I came across ICF before I even realised how important having a Christian community is.  ICF is a warm family. We share meals together, hang out and care for each other.

Challenges to my faith don’t disappear magically. Nonetheless, given this loving community by God, I’m glad to be able to find shelter and grow in the love of Jesus Christ.

“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” 

Romans 12:4-5


Sophia Lee

MSocSc, Year 3

Graciously, I was born in a Christian family and attended Christian primary and secondary schools. I also went to Sunday school in my church every weekend. During that time, honestly, I had grown a lot intellectually about God’s nature. I learnt that God created me thus I needed to be a kid whom everyone adored.

However, I was susceptible to taking the privilege of knowing God early for granted and failed to acknowledge that this is all by God’s grace. Also, my faith in Christ was not concrete enough. I rarely reflected deeply on the biblical knowledge nor was I able to relate this knowledge to me personally. I merely recognised but did not comprehend the biblical knowledge and gospel well.

Thankfully, coming to ICF has deepened my faith in Christ during university years. Through Biblical teaching, I learnt to love one another. With brothers and sisters in Christ, I learnt to serve in a Christian community and beyond. My relationship with God has become more intimate and real when I pray, praise, read his Words, reflect, and contemplate on them.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Seven years ago, I entered HKU as a lost and confused freshman (yes I’m getting old) and ever since, ICF has been a key part of my life. From a student, to a student leader, to a summer intern, to a full-time intern and now as a high school teacher serving with ICF (it never ends haha!), I have seen God use ICF to touch the hearts of so many people and to call many into his marvelous light.


What I love about ICF is that it’s a loving community where people walk alongside each other, to encourage, challenge and grow one another. When you enter university, you may have many questions about life. ICF is a place where you can openly ask the big questions of life, journey with others and hear more about the God who creates and saves. It’s so cool to see how God brings so many different people together through ICF and to know he deeply cares for us all. It has been such a joy for me to serve him in this way!


“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 

Julian Cheng

ICF Leader

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