“God is a very naïve, childish concept.”
You may or may not have come across this comment made by Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion and other controversial titles. Other similar comments have been made by many other Darwinian scientists such as Richard Lewontin, Harvard geneticist, who stated that “The problem is to get [people] to reject irrational and supernatural explanations of the world… to accept a social and intellectual apparatus, Science, as the only begetter of truth.”
Even at the cosmological level, it has become “increasingly apparent that the physical laws and parameters governing our universe (e.g. the force of gravity, the energy density of empty space, the difference in mass between neutrons and protons, etc.) are so exquisitely fine-tuned to permit the emergence of life, that even the tiniest alteration in any of these laws and parameters would have catastrophic consequences.”
Read more here.