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  • Henrieke

The Bible Project: God

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

What do you believe in? Are you an atheist, who doesn't believe in the existence of God?

Are you an agnostic, who doesn't know if God exists, who thinks it's not possible to know if God exists, and think it doesn't matter whether or not He exists? Are you a deist, who believes that there is one God who is independent of the universe, but is unwilling or unable to interact with it?

Or are you a polytheist or pantheist, who believe that there are many gods, or that everything and everyone--plants, animals, humans, the whole universe is God?

No matter what you believe in, if you talk to a Christian, they'll probably refer to the one and all-powerful deity talked about in the Bible, who is transcendent and the author of all reality as we know it.

But what's different about the Christian God, what sets Him apart from other gods frequently mentioned in society or culture, is that not only does this God want to build personal relationship with His creation. God also wants to connect with his creation in a genuine partnership to reveal the divine purpose and plan.

This webpage and video by The Bible Project seeks to explore the complex portrait of God in the Bible, and how He reveals Himself to us in ways that "both make sense to us and simutaneously break our understanding of reality".

It's not an easy concept to understand, but the Bible doesn't ask us to understand who God is. Rather, it simply invites us to know and be known by this being through the story of Jesus, who wants us to love and be loved by Him, just as Jesus Himself was loved from eternity past by His Father.

Whether you're a believer or not, we invite you to check out this page and the compelling video by The Bible Project--both this video and the Bible is an invitation to know who God is, and discover why you exist in this universe.


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